GRID Alternatives

GRID Alternatives

GRID Alternatives Partners With the Rosebud Sioux Tribe To Develop Community and Residential Solar Systems That Include Workforce Development

As the nation’s largest nonprofit solar installer, GRID’s mission is to make renewable energy technology and job training accessible to underserved communities. GRID aims to put money back into families’ pockets, reduce the energy cost burden for housing providers, and launch solar careers. By partnering with affordable housing organizations, job training groups, government agencies, municipalities, tribal nations, utilities, and local communities, GRID looks to bring solar to everyone.

GRID’s latest project with All Points North Foundation continues the partnership with the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, which began in 2017 with the Rosebud Sioux Initiative.

The new project will bring the benefits of solar power and job training to the Rosebud Sioux Indian Reservation. GRID will work with the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Sicangu Wicoti Awayankapi (SWA) Corporation, the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Utility Commission and Sinte Gleska University to develop a 149 kilowatt community solar system, as well as 13 residential rooftop solar systems to offset approximately 50% of the electrical usage in the Sicangu Village community. GRID will also incorporate workforce development throughout the project, by providing hands-on installation experience for local tribal members and students. This project marks the third time that GRID has joined forces with All Points North Foundation to help tribal communities achieve their renewable energy goals.

Since being founded in 2001 during the height of the California energy crisis, GRID has installed over 12,600 solar PV systems, for a total of 55 Megawatts (MW-DC), that will provide an estimated $375 million in long-term energy savings for low-income households. To date, GRID has also offset 975,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions in communities that traditionally have been exposed to pollution and climate change. GRID has also provided 226,000 hours of hands-on solar installation training to over 31,000 people across the U.S.

For more information:

Photo credit: GRID Alternatives

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All Points North Foundation provides grants for U.S.-based projects and initiatives that support our priorities: improving public middle school education and teacher training, and implementing effective solar programs and/or projects.

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