Education Opens Doors

Education Opens Doors

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Opening Doors to College and Career Readiness for Low-Income Dallas Students

National surveys have repeatedly shown that students feel they are not equipped to make decisions about college or careers after high school graduation. Only about one-third of Dallas County students who enrolled in postsecondary education completed a two- or four-year degree in six years.  Students drop out for a variety of reasons including feeling ill-prepared for the rigors of college and career and a lack of alignment with their strengths and interests.

With support from All Points North Foundation, Education Opens Doors (EOD) provides that missing “roadmap” to help middle school students navigate their journey to graduation and beyond. The EOD Program ensures over 13,000 students will have the knowledge and resources to pursue the high school of their choice and ultimately move on to college or career preparation pathways. Predominantly Latino and Black, these students live in low-income communities, and will often be the first generation in their families to attend college.

EOD will provide a school-based solution for intentional college and career choices and preparation strategies for pursuing their path forward. The five-unit Core Curriculum, which is TEKS-aligned (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills), student-centered, and culturally responsive and inclusive, highlights postsecondary options including traditional four-year colleges and universities, vocational/technical schools, the military and/or entering the workforce. Students focus on course selection, financial literacy, how to pay for college, choose a career, professionalism, time management and building character.

Partnering with Dallas Independent School District on a Career Readiness Curriculum, this expanded curriculum enables students to further explore their interest and skills aligned with regional workforce needs and post-secondary opportunities. The grant includes enrichment of middle school curriculum and lesson plans, a train-the-trainer model as well as teacher support through Implementation Managers, EOD staff that train and encourage teachers throughout the school year.

Not only will teachers feel confident in their coaching but students will experience reduced anxiety and increased confidence as they rise to the challenge of what the future holds next.

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Photo credit: Education Opens Doors