Phase 3: Contractor Selection, Solar Installation
Ensure Inspections and Commissioning of the System Are Completed
Once the installation is complete, your solar installer should take care of any required paperwork associated with connecting the system to the grid and getting authorization from the local utility to turn it on. Once the system is turned on, the installer should lead a tour of the operating system so that your staff can begin to become familiar with all the operating components. If a building inspector is scheduled to inspect, be sure to accompany them to become aware of any deficiencies that need to be resolved.
A solar installer should take care of any required paperwork associated with connecting the system to the grid and getting authorization from the local utility to interconnect and turn it on. Once the system is turned on, have the installer lead a tour of the operating system so that staff can begin to become familiar with all the operating components. If a building inspector is scheduled to inspect, be sure to accompany them to become aware of any deficiencies that need to be resolved. Commissioning of the system will be complete once it has been verified that the system is operating as it should – this means that electricity production will be recorded in the monitoring system. Any equipment specifications, warrantee information and other records should be stored for easy reference.
All Points North Foundation provides grants for U.S.-based projects and initiatives that support our priorities: improving public middle school education and teacher training, and implementing effective solar programs and/or projects.
Have a U.S.-based project you’d like to discuss?