In the News

Spark CEO Speaks at White House Next Generation High School Summit, Thanks All Points North Foundation for Support

November 16, 2015

The following is a message from Jason Cascarino, CEO of Spark:

I was in Washington DC last week where I had the privilege of representing Spark at the White House Next Generation High School Summit. The event highlighted students, educators, philanthropists and entrepreneurs who are reinventing the high school experience to empower students to seize opportunities and prepare them for success in college and career.

Spark has been playing a leading role to elevate the importance of middle school or the middle grades as a critical gateway to high school success. In partnership with many other education and youth-serving organizations, we emphasized that success in high school begins with an engaging middle school experience that includes tailored, interest-driven learning. To help make that a reality, we partnered with 20 peer organizations to announce more than $600 million in collective funding to serve more than 1.3 million students in the next five years.

With hundreds of organizations across the country working to help more students graduate, we are delighted to have been among five of the 20 partner organizations in the middle grades effort to be invited to the White House and to have a seat and a voice at the policy table to push forward this great national agenda.

I want to point out that Spark’s policy work is made possible with generous support from the All Points North Foundation, which is committed to investments in the middle grades. We recently recognized the All Points North Foundation and many other top funders at our 10th anniversary celebration and National Strategy Day events, which honored a decade of support and growth in serving nearly 5,000 students nationwide through Spark apprenticeships.

As we enter into the season of thanks, we remain grateful for the many opportunities brought about by your continued support of Spark.


All Points North Foundation provides grants for U.S.-based projects and initiatives that support our priorities: improving public middle school education and teacher training, and implementing effective solar programs and/or projects.

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